速報APP / 教育 / IACC Masjid

IACC Masjid



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IACC Masjid(圖1)-速報App

The IACC was established in 1991. It rented a small facility to hold regular prayers located on 3rd floor of a shopping centre and accommodated a maximum of 50 people. In 1995, the community grew exponentially. IACC membership exceeded over 1,000 families. A new facility was leased at Parker/Custer to keep up with the demand for services. In 1997, our strategic planning committee initiated the construction of a new community centre. In 1997, purchased a 4.59-acre land at Spring Creek/Independence Parkway. IACC raised over 2.0 million to support the construction of a new 12,000 sq. ft. a community centre.

IACC Masjid(圖2)-速報App

About IACC

IACC Masjid(圖3)-速報App

The Islamic Association of Collin County (IACC) is the centre offers a place to pray, conducts a variety of Islamic lessons (Halaqa), Sunday School, Summer School, marriage services, and Quranic and Arabic teachings.

IACC Masjid(圖4)-速報App

Where is IACC?

IACC Masjid(圖5)-速報App

The Islamic Association of Collin County (IACC) is located in Plano at 6401 Independence Parkway, Plano, Texas 75023.
